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Get Your Special Edition The Children's Trust: 20 Years Nurturing Greatness Publication



Get Your Special Edition The Children's Trust: 20 Years Nurturing Greatness Publication

In partnership with The Children’s Trust, Miami’s Community Newspapers has recently released a Special Edition publication entitled The Children’s Trust: 20 Years Nurturing Greatness

The 40-page publication reflects upon two decades of The Children’s Trust’s service and commitment. It tells the history of The Trust from 1988 when child advocates first brought the idea of a special taxing district to benefit children in the community to a referendum all the way to the current day.  

Additionally, the special edition includes stories about the individuals who helped create The Trust, and how their roles shaped what the organization has become today. Within its pages is a detailed description of how The Trust operates, the initiatives it supports and a breakdown of where public tax dollars are spent. 

Over 20 years, The Trust has impacted millions of lives and the special edition is also filled with data points delineating how many lives the organization has touched, from the number of books purchased for early literacy efforts, to the number of meals provided to help feed children and families, and a variety of other health, education and wellness measures. 

The publication also includes profiles of incredible young people featured throughout our 20th Anniversary campaign, and other relevant information the public should know. The special edition ends with a look at the future of The Trust and how it will continue to benefit all children and families in Miami-Dade County.  

Copies of The Children's Trust: 20 Years Nurturing Greatness can be found throughout the county or you can read it online here

For more on The Trust's 20th Anniversary click here