More than 400 communities nationwide celebrated National Adoption Day in late November. In Miami-Dade County that meant that several foster kids were able to rejoice after officially with their forever families.
The Children’s Trust proudly sponsored an event at Miami Children’s Museum where the adoptions were finalized, as part of an annual event held to raise awareness about children awaiting adoption from foster care and the families formed through adoption.
The Children’s Trust’s Associate Director of Community Engagement Danielle Barreras joined Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court Judges and the Citrus Family Care Network to share inspiring remarks on this wonderful day.
“Today is certainly for all of us who work together in the children’s courthouse, one of the happiest days of the year because this is the culmination of what we are working towards, which is that all these families get their final adoption paperwork and that they are legally together forever,” said Circuit Unified Children’s Court Judge Jason Emilios Dimitris.
“It’s just so rewarding to see these children placed in forever families that we can see and witness the love that they receive,” added Judge Marcia B. Caballero.
“We all come together to create a brighter future for children seeking a forever home. To the families opening their hearts and homes, your courage and kindness inspires. To the children joining these families you are proof of the resilience of the human spirit. Together we are changing lives and building futures,” said Miami-Dade Clerk of the Court & Comptroller and former The Children’s Trust Board Member Juan Fernandez-Barquin.
Holidays are the perfect time for adults and families to ask themselves whether adoption is right for them. Hundreds of thousands of children remain in the foster care system and in need of adoption across the country. In Miami-Dade County, about 120 kids age out of the foster care system every year without being adopted. There are more than 1,000 children in our county waiting to be adopted.
Here are some questions to help those considering adopting or fostering children and youth.
Do you qualify for adoption?
You must be at least 21 years old to adopt in Florida. You can be single or married, and either rent or own an apartment or home. There are three different ways to adopt: through the foster care system, with the assistance of an attorney or agency that specializes in adoption, or internationally. The foster care system is typically the least financially burdensome and includes children in your community that need forever families.
Are you a good candidate to adopt a child?
As part of the process to adopt a child in Florida, prospective forever families will go through a home study process to see whether a family is prepared to adopt. Specialists determine whether a caregiver and their family are able to care for an adopted child emotionally, physically and financially.
Are there any financial requirements to adopt?
There are no specific financial parameters for adoptive parents, although finances are part of the home study. To adopt a foster child in Florida, there is almost no cost - and the state will reimburse you up to $1,000 in adoption costs, including attorney’s fees. Adoptive parents also are eligible for a federal tax credit.
What support is there for you if you adopt?
- Tuition and fee exemption for any Florida public state university, public Florida College System institution or public postsecondary career and technical program. The waiver is valid until the adoptee’s 28th birthday.
- Adoptive parents receive a monthly stipend until the adopted child turns 18.
- Postadoption services are available until the adopted child turns 18.
Why should you adopt?
There are infinite reasons to want to adopt a child. But the overriding reason should always be a yearning to give and receive love. Adoptive parents are needed around the world and in Miami-Dade.
To explore adoptions in Miami-Dade County, visit the citrusfcn.com/adopting.