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School Apps 101: What Parents Need to Know


Parenting Our Children

School Apps 101: What Parents Need to Know

Keeping an eye on your kids’ social media and online presence and helping them navigate safely is as important as teaching them to look left-right-left before crossing the street. Here are 5 apps to help you do just that. 

  1. Monitoring: The most effective way to keep your kids safe and engaging in productive online activities is to monitor what they are doing. There are plenty of apps to choose from, including Bark, which covers everything from text messages, YouTube, email and a litany of other social media platforms. Parents get alerts and notifications to their own mobile devices whenever a potential risk is discovered. www.bark.us
  2. Cyberbullying: A lot of emphasis with regard to cyberbullying is on victims – and rightly so. But any solution also needs to involve those who engage in bullying and the ReThink App goes a long way to stopping cyberbullying in its tracks. The free app is designed to give children a chance to “rethink” any post with offensive messages in it before sending. www.rethinkwords.com
  3. Homework: If your kids are going to be spending an inordinate amount of time on their cell phones, then they might as well be checking The Homework App. This app allows students to color code subjects, keep progress on homework and get alerts on upcoming quizzes and projects. It might not be their favorite, but it could be the most useful. 
  4. District and School Information: Get immediate access to report cards (no more, “I left it at school!” excuses), lunch menus, bus routes, district news and other programs at a school and district level on the website and through the app. www.dadeschools.net
  5. The Children’s Trust. Looking for after school programs, information on school health clinics and a litany of other child services in Miami-Dade County? The Children’s Trust website and app feature program listings, useful content and access to even more resources. Also, don’t forget to check out our social media platforms for current news and happenings - all linked below.