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Breaking the Boredom Blues


Parenting Our Children

Breaking the Boredom Blues

What makes something boring?

When something limits communication, movement and hands-on activities.
Kyle, 9

Something that is repetitive, that you do over and over without any change. 
William, 6

What makes you the most bored?

Writing down my times tables!
Khloe, 8

Sitting in the house all day or going to work with my mom and not having any kids there. 
Herman, 7

Doing schoolwork, watching TV for like 5 hours and not doing anything active outside.
Lila, 13

When you are bored, what do you like to do (not including video games)?

For me, sometimes I just grab Post-it notes or pencils and create something. I’ll make imaginary people and then a bank robbery!
Billy, 9

Exercise, but not necessarily exercise. More like climbing and flips.
Jessie Ray, 11

I like to draw and read alone.
Eleanor, 13

Going to the park, church events and helping our neighbors
Kyle, 9

Produced in partnership with the Fatherhood Task Force of South Florida.